In the world of business, buzz words like employee retention, employee engagement, and company culture are thrown around at alarming rates. There is great debate as to whether any of the above listed concepts carry much meaning. What is employee retention? Company culture? These seemingly nebulous concepts all really amount to one thing: the way your people feel when they are at work. So, who sets the metrics on good company culture and employee retention? If you fail to set clear parameters when it comes to company culture, you may realize that employee retention is more difficult and find yourself with a mutiny on your hands.
Archive for August, 2020
Simple Scale: The Ultimate Business Hack for Entrepreneurs
Before you start to read this article, we encourage you do some research on the startup lifestyle. It is a well agreed upon fact that starting, building, funding, and growing a startup or small business is intensely difficult. In fact, many sources suggest that at minimum, building a successful startup can require its people to work somewhere between seventy and one hundred hours a week for the first three to five years of a new company. If your startup is one of the few that has actually succeeded, you may find that you are still working around the clock to keep your vision alive. We list these facts and figures not to scare you or to deter you from chasing the entrepreneurial dream. We just want to ask one simple question: What if there were an easier way?