Introducing New FMLA Request Tools


Idilus is proud to introduce a new leave management portal that is accessible to employees.  Employees can access the leave management portal and confidentially request leave from their HR Team by following the employee prompts.  The leave portal from J.J. Keller, ensures timely and compliant delivery of required notices to those requesting FMLA.


The FMLA Manager allows employees to:

  • Submit a leave request to HR confidentially
  • View important contact information
  • View new messages or documents from HR
  • Send documents and messages to HR
  • View active and pending leave requests
  • View leave time balances for leave requests that are currently active

Your HR Manager at Idilus will review and process requests in conjunction with your company’s HR contact.

Employees may access the FMLA Portal by going to and entering the access code B46008


If you experience difficulty accessing the portal, please get in touch with your Idilus HR Manager via phone or e-mail at

Call our office at (630) 614-7310 to speak with someone on our team

Idilus has been in business since 1999 and values every one of our clients. We specialize in payroll, benefits management, HR outsourcing, risk management, compliance and more.